Paray-le-Monial Tourisme

Lettre d'information de l'office de tourisme de Paray-le-Monial

septembre 2019
Bandeau septembre 2019
Wednesday 16th October 2019 :
11 am : Solemn mass in the Apparitions Chapel
4 pm : Jubilee journey
5 :30 pm : Solemn vespers of saint Margaret Mary at the Apparitions Chapel
Friday 18th October 2019 :
6:15 pm : Opening mass at the Basilica
8 :30 pm : Teaching on the life of saint Margaret Mary in the Basilica Part 1
Saturday 19th October 2019 :
9:45 am : Teaching on the life of saint Margaret Mary in the Basilica Part 2
11:15 am : Mass in the Dôme
8:30 pm : Prayer Vigil around the relics of saint Margaret Mary
Sunday 20th October 2019 :
9 :45 am : Teaching on the life of saint Margaret Mary in the Basilica Part 3
11 am : Mass in the Basilica
3 pm : Procession
Logo centenaire marguerite marie 2020
9-12 April - Easter Triduum : Passing from life to death. Strength of the mystery and beauty of the services.
Retreat from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday. With the Sanctuaries and the Parish of Paray le Monial. Teachings by Anne-Sophie Mouquin, Doctor in History of Arts.
13 May 2020 - Centenary of the Canonisation of saint Margaret Mary
13 May 1920, Pope Benedict XV canonised Margaret Mary Alacoque. On this anniversary day, the centenary is a great feast open to all.
18-21 June 2020 - Feasts of the Sacred Heart
The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated each year on the third Friday after Pentecost.
During this Feast, the Church contemplates the Heart of its Saviour and lets itself be guided by Him to the depths of the Mystery of Love, where man and God meet. With Monsignor R. Fisichella, president of the papal council for new evangelisation.
15-18 October 2020 - Feast of saint Margaret Mary - Closing of the jubilee year.
To celebrate saint Margaret Mary, is to look again towards this heart which says to each of us in particular " I love you passionately ". This Feast involves services, the celebration of the Eucharist , teachings and times to meet each other.
With Don J. de Pablos, rector of the Valladolid Sanctuaries.
Getting to know saint Margaret Mary better
A young sister in the Visitation Order, Margaret Mary was born in Vérosvres.

From her childhood she wants to devote herself to a pious life.

In 1671 she enters the Monastery in Paray le Monial, aged 24 and she receives several apparitions of Christ.

With the help of Claude la Colombière, (canonised in 1992), she spreads the cult of the Sacred Heart.
Sainte marguerite marie montre sacree coeur tableau
For further information
The Originals City Paray-le-Monial
The Originals City Paray-le-Monial
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Voir toutes les actus
Office de Tourisme de Paray le Monial
25 avenue Jean-Paul II - 71600 Paray le monial
Tél : 03 85 81 10 92
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