dimanche 9 février
Meteo Paray-le-Monial


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For your pilgrimage

Open all year

The Sanctuary of Paray-le-Monial includes several easily accessible places of prayer and reception. Individual pilgrims, groups and visitors will be able to discover there the message and the spirituality of the Heart of Jesus. The life of the sanctuary is marked by many events which punctuate the whole year.

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Religious events

The year is punctuated by many celebrations, meetings, retreats and sessions...
Feast: The two major feasts linked to the religious history of Paray-le-Monial are the feasts of Saint Marguerite-Marie and the feasts of the Heart of Jesus.
The "Rencontres": In a fraternal, warm and family setting, this pilgrimage invites you to discover or rediscover the spiritual message of Paray-le-Monial. These meetings are animated by the team of chaplains with teachings and testimonies.
Retreats: Retreats for men, for women, for priests and for all punctuate the life of the Sanctuaries. They allow a deepening of the life of faith and a spiritual renewal. They offer everyone a time of silence and reflection on the Heart of Jesus
Sessions: Each summer, several sessions offer a five-day journey to revitalize yourself around the Heart of Jesus.

Le sanctuaire du Sacré-Coeur

Retrouvez des informations liées au sanctuaire du Sacré-Coeur ainsi que des informations pratiques pour organiser votre pèlerinage à Paray-le-Monial.